Greet like a local


Saint Barth\u00e9lemy

Understanding Greetings in the Saint Barth\u00e9lemy: Etiquette's, Meanings, Occasions, Dos, and Don't

Understanding Greetings in Saint Barth\u00e9lemy: Etiquettes, Meanings, Occasions, Dos, and Don'ts

Saint Barthélemy, commonly known as St. Barts, is a French Caribbean island located in the west of the Lesser Antilles. This idyllic destination is famous for its stunning white sandy beaches, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and luxurious lifestyle. St. Barts has become a popular destination for the rich and famous, attracting celebrities, jet-setters, and yacht enthusiasts from around the world. The island offers a unique blend of French and Caribbean cultures, creating a vibrant atmosphere and adding a touch of sophistication to its natural beauty. If you're planning a visit to St. Barts, it's essential to understand the local greeting customs to make a positive impression on the locals and immerse yourself in the island's culture.

Andorran landscape with mountains

Saint Barth\u00e9lemy: An Introduction

Greeting Phrases

Language Greeting Word English Pronunciation Meaning Occasion
French Bonjour bohn-zhoor Hello Formal and informal greetings
French Salut sa-lü Hi/Bye Informal greetings
English Hello he-loh Hello Formal and informal greetings
English Hi hai Hi/Bye Informal greetings

Dos and Don'ts of Greeting in Saint Barth\u00e9lemy

When greeting someone in St. Barts, it's important to keep in mind the cultural norms and local customs. Here are some dos and don'ts to follow:


  • Greet people with a smile and a handshake.
  • Use the appropriate greeting based on the time of day and formality of the situation.
  • Show respect by using the person's title and last name, especially in formal settings.


  • Avoid touching or hugging someone unless you have a close relationship.
  • Don't rush through greetings; take the time to engage in small talk.
  • Avoid using overly familiar or informal language with people you just met.


By familiarizing yourself with the greeting customs in St. Barts, you can make a positive impression on the locals and show respect for their culture. Remember to greet people with a smile and a handshake, use the appropriate greeting based on the situation, and show respect by using titles and last names. Avoid touching or hugging unless you have a close relationship, take the time to engage in conversation, and avoid using overly informal language. These small gestures can go a long way in creating positive connections and experiencing the warm hospitality of St. Barts.