Greet like a local


Cocos (Keeling] Islands

Understanding Greetings in the Cocos (Keeling] Islands: Etiquette's, Meanings, Occasions, Dos, and Don't

Understanding Greetings in Cocos (Keeling] Islands: Etiquettes, Meanings, Occasions, Dos, and Don'ts

Greetings play an important role in the culture of Cocos (Keeling) Islands. This stunning archipelago in the Indian Ocean is known for its pristine beaches, diverse marine life, and warm hospitality. In this blog post, we will explore the customary greetings of the locals, provide English pronunciation for non-English greetings, discuss the occasions to use them, and uncover some dos and don'ts of greeting etiquette in Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

Andorran landscape with mountains

Cocos (Keeling] Islands: An Introduction

Cocos (Keeling) Islands is a remote territory of Australia located in the Indian Ocean. The islands consist of two coral atolls and 27 coral islands, with only two inhabited islands, namely West Island and Home Island. The majority of the population is of Malay or mixed Malay descent, and the official languages are Malay and English. The islands are known for their natural beauty, including breathtaking beaches, lagoons, and coral reefs.

Greeting Phrases

Greeting Word English Pronunciation Meaning Occasion of Use
Selamat pagi suh-LAH-maht PAH-gee Good morning Generally used from dawn until around 10 AM
Selamat tengah hari suh-LAH-maht TEH-ngah HA-ree Good afternoon Usually used from 10 AM until around 3 PM
Selamat petang suh-LAH-maht PEH-tahng Good evening Generally used from 3 PM until sunset

Dos and Don'ts of Greeting in Cocos (Keeling] Islands

When greeting someone in Cocos (Keeling) Islands, it's important to be respectful of the local customs. Here are some dos and don'ts to keep in mind:


  • Do greet with a warm smile and a handshake.
  • Do use the appropriate greeting word based on the time of day.
  • Do show respect to elders by using the appropriate honorifics, such as "Uncle" or "Aunty".


  • Don't rush through greetings. Take the time to exchange pleasantries.
  • Don't use overly familiar or informal language unless you have a close relationship with the person.
  • Don't initiate physical contact, such as hugging or kissing, unless it's initiated by the other person.


Now that you know the customary greetings and etiquette in Cocos (Keeling) Islands, you can confidently greet the locals during your visit. Remember to show respect and genuine warmth in your interactions, and you'll surely be welcomed with open arms in this beautiful island paradise!