Greet like a local



Understanding Greetings in the Monaco: Etiquette's, Meanings, Occasions, Dos, and Don't

Understanding Greetings in Monaco: Etiquettes, Meanings, Occasions, Dos, and Don'ts

Monaco, a small principality located on the French Riviera, is known for its glitz and glamour. As an international hub for luxury and wealth, Monaco has its own unique customs and etiquette when it comes to greetings. Understanding the proper greetings and social norms in Monaco is essential for anyone visiting or conducting business in this prestigious country.

Andorran landscape with mountains

Monaco: An Introduction


Greeting Phrases

Greeting English Pronunciation Meaning Occasion
Bonjour bohn-zhoor Hello Formal greeting used throughout the day
Salut sa-loo Hi Informal greeting among friends and peers
Au revoir oh ruh-vwahr Goodbye Polite farewell
Merci mer-see Thank you Expressing gratitude
S'il vous plaƮt seel voo pleh Please Making a polite request

Dos and Don'ts of Greeting in Monaco

When greeting someone in Monaco, it is important to be mindful of local customs and etiquette. Here are some dos and don'ts to keep in mind:


  • Do greet people with a handshake or a kiss on both cheeks, depending on the level of familiarity.
  • Do address individuals using their title and last name until invited to use their first name.
  • Do maintain eye contact when conversing to show respect and interest.


  • Don't rush greetings or introductions. Take the time to exchange pleasantries.
  • Don't interrupt or speak loudly in public settings. Maintain a calm and composed demeanor.
  • Don't forget to say goodbye when leaving a social gathering or business meeting.


Greeting customs play an important role in Monaco's social interactions. By following the dos and don'ts of greeting in Monaco, you can navigate social situations with ease and show respect for the local culture and customs.