Greet like a local


Papua New Guinea

Understanding Greetings in the Papua New Guinea: Etiquette's, Meanings, Occasions, Dos, and Don't

Understanding Greetings in Papua New Guinea: Etiquettes, Meanings, Occasions, Dos, and Don'ts

Papua New Guinea is a culturally diverse country located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. With over 800 languages spoken, it is one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world. Greetings hold great significance in Papua New Guinean culture, serving as a way to show respect, establish relationships, and express hospitality. In this blog post, we will explore the greeting customs in Papua New Guinea, including common greeting words, their meanings, and when to use them. We will also discuss the dos and don'ts of greeting in this fascinating country.

Andorran landscape with mountains

Papua New Guinea: An Introduction

Papua New Guinea, often referred to as PNG, is a country situated on the eastern half of the island of New Guinea. It shares borders with Indonesia to the west and Australia to the south. The country is known for its diverse culture and stunning natural landscapes, including rainforests, mountains, and coral reefs. With a population of over 8 million people, Papua New Guinea is home to hundreds of indigenous tribes, each with its own languages, customs, and traditions.

Greeting Phrases

Greeting Word Language English Pronunciation Meaning Occasion of Use
Gutpela dei Tok Pisin goot-peh-lah day Good day General greeting
Yu stap gut? Tok Pisin yoo stap goot How are you? Informal greeting
Apinun? Pidgin English ah-pee-nun What's up? Informal greeting

Dos and Don'ts of Greeting in Papua New Guinea

When greeting people in Papua New Guinea, it's important to be aware of the cultural customs and practices. Here are some dos and don'ts to keep in mind:


  • Greet everyone you meet, even if you don't know them personally.
  • Use a respectful tone and address people by their title or honorific.
  • Shake hands when greeting someone, but keep in mind that some tribes may have their own unique greeting gestures.


  • Avoid touching someone's head, as it is considered disrespectful in many Papua New Guinean cultures.
  • Don't rush the greeting process. Take the time to engage in small talk and show genuine interest in the other person.
  • Avoid using any offensive or derogatory language when greeting others.


Greeting customs play a significant role in Papua New Guinean culture, serving as a way to establish connections and show respect. By understanding and following the dos and don'ts of greeting in Papua New Guinea, you can navigate social interactions with confidence and respect for the local customs. Whether you're engaging in the everyday greetings of "Gutpela dei" or asking "Apinun?" to a friend, embracing the cultural greetings of Papua New Guinea will enhance your experience and leave a positive impression on the locals.